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Cinema King

A granddaughter's memoir


This book tells the story of Sam King and his remarkable journey from an impoverished Jewish family escaping Russian pogroms to the East End of London and a life of wealth, glamour and tragedy. Sam's life was itself the stuff of movies and now, fifty years after his death, his granddaughter tells the extraordinary story of his rise from violinist in silent picture houses to a much-loved partner in Shipman and King Cinemas and loyal and generous family man.

Sam and Peter King represented the very best among those who gave energy to an enlightened view of our medium, its audience, and its purpose. David Puttnam

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Thomas Sydenham is a name unfamiliar to most people and yet, in his day, his simple observational approach to Medicine appealed to some of the greatest minds of the 17th century – and made him an outlaw of the establishment.

The Civil War claimed the lives of two brothers and his mother, and he fought for Parliament in the Dorset Militia. In London he treated the wealthy and the poor alike and lived through the Plague and the Great Fire.

Castles in the Air

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In his new biography Michael Denny explores Thomas the reformer and the man, his kindness, irascibility and his uncommon good sense and scientific endeavour.

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Unbuilt Bath

The City as it might have been


A triumph of Georgian classicism, ‘incredibly dingy and wretched’, or a city spoilt by attenuated imagination and mediocrity, over the last 300 years Bath has seen grand architectural schemes realised – and many more abandoned. In Unbuilt Bath - the city as it might have been, Timothy Mowl and Julian Orbach explore what wasn’t built – immense crescents, vast piazzas, a concert hall, crystal palace, law courts... The authors describe how close Bath then came to self-destruction when schemes that were built lasted just long enough to be loathed and demolished. From an enormous column celebrating the Great Reform Act to a dual carriageway behind the Royal Crescent, Unbuilt Bath is a fascinating depiction of the city that nearly was.

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Architect of Obsession

John Wood and the Creation of Georgian Bath

TIM MOWL, Brian Earnshaw

John Wood, the most successful town planner of English eighteenth-century architects, was ferociously eccentric. The very idea that Bath, his grand artefact and a byword for classical order, should owe as much to the prehistoric stone circle at Stonehenge and the Second Temple in Jerusalem strains credibility, but that is the historic truth presented here through Wood’s own writing and a whole body of archival material. A fervent Freemason, he revived certain mystical emblems of Stuart religiosity and had them carved on a major building project – the King’s Circus – to evoke the sun worship of a lost Druid civilisation which had everything to do with his imagination, nothing to do with reality.

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Nature's Favourite Child: Thomas Robins and the Art of the Georgian Garden Cathryn Spence
Privileged Horses The Italian Renaissance Court Stable
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Tim Pomeroy
Nicholas Usherwood David Bell
Winter River David Whitwell
Marking Time: Poetry and Thought During the Pandemic David Cook

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